The Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary is a beautiful wildlife sanctuary located in the northeast corner of Chittagong Hill District, on the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The best time to visit the Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary in Bangladesh is between November and May. The nearest town is Rangamati which can be easily reached by road or rail. Most visitors will touch down at.

Located in the northeast corner of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, the Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary is home to wild elephants and various other animals. The Sanctuary is the finest hill forest remaining in Bangladesh and a vital swamp point.

The Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary in Bangladesh is situated in the Rangamati District in the Chittagong division. It was established as a game sanctuary in June 1962 and latterly declared a Wildlife Sanctuary in 1983, so the wildlife and foliage in the Sanctuary are relatively settled and well-developed. Admittedly, it isn’t a vast wildlife sanctuary, as it only covers 420.87 square kilometres or hectares of land, but that doesn’t mean it has nothing to offer. Somewhat to the contrary, this bitsy little Sanctuary is appreciatively bulging with life!

Some creatures you can anticipate seeing then include Capped-Langur, Hoolock Gibbon, Asian Elephant, Rhesus Macaque, Otters, Wild Boars, Gaur, Indian Muntjac, Indian Python and Sambar.

Bird lovers can look forward to seeing Herons, Egrets, Little Grebe, Common Coot, Common Moorhen, Waterfowl, White-Winged Wood Duck, Asian Open Bill Stork and many more.

Wild Cats, Dholes and dozens of other animals live in this fascinating wildlife sanctuary. Nature lovers will find this diversity meaningful due to the region’s great topographical diversity. The area is well-doused and varies in altitude.
Key features:

Area covered in total 42,087 hectares (104,000 acres)
Wide variety of mammals, including Wild Elephants.
A Refuge for Birds.
Beautiful Hilly Terrain ranging from 100-300 m.
How to find it?

At the northern end of Kaptai Lake in the south-eastern part of Kassalong Reserve Forest in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, some 112 km from Rangamati Town. The Kassalong River forms the western boundary.

The climatic conditions are typically sub-tropical, with a dry period from November to May. The mean annual rainfall is 2,500 mm (98 in), with heavy rain in the monsoon season of July and August. The Sanctuary is bounded on the southern side by steep, rugged hills. The soil is clay in the valley and pale brown to yellow-red (acidic) loam on the mountain. The Kaptai dam was constructed as a part of the Karnaphuli hydroelectric project resulting in the submergence of a large portion of the Sanctuary. Humidity is high throughout the year. The IUCN protected area category is II.
What to see?

Gaur, Asian Elephant, Rhesus Macaque, Capped Langur, Hoolock Gibbon, Dhole, Wild Cats, Otters, Wild Boar, Indian Muntjac, Sambar, Waterfowl, Little Grebe, Herons, Egrets, Common Moorhen, Common Coot, Asian Openbill Stork, and White-Winged Wood Duck, Indian Python etc.
Things to do?
Jungle safari, Bird Safari, Adventure Trailing, Camp Firing, Camping.
Habitat, Flora & Fauna:

Three forest types can be distinguished in the Sanctuary: tropical wet evergreen forest, tropical Semi-evergreen, and tropical moist deciduous forest. The forest type is mainly tropical evergreen in the valleys and areas adjoining the rivers and lakes. The tree species growing are mainly Civit (Swintonia floribunda), Garjan (Dipterocarpus turbinates)., Tula tree (Pterygota alata), Quercus spp. and Castanopsis. The other forest type is tropical moist deciduous. The trees found in this forest type are mainly Dipterocarpus SPS; Mangiferaindica; Amoora lawii; Cinnamomum SPS.;
Syzygium cumini; Tetrameles nudiflora; Salmalia malabaricum and Albizia SPS. Albizia. The trees are scattered and interspersed with extensive tracts of grassland.

Among larger mammals, the most important is the population of wild Asian elephants. Other mammals are Rhesus Macaque, Capped Langur, Hoolock Gibbon, Dhole, Wild Cats, Otters, Wild Boar, and Sambar. There are also numerous bird species in the Sanctuary.
What about the facilities?

Visitors can choose between bird and jungle safaris; both are equally rewarding. Accommodation can be found in the immediate area through two rest houses. You will find that both Bangla and English are spoken here, so most people can find a way to communicate with the locals and tour guides.

Travel Tips:
The best time to visit the Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary in Bangladesh is between November and May. The nearest town is Rangamati which can be easily reached by road or rail. Most visitors will touch down at the Shah Amanat International Airport in Chittagong before taking the train to Rangamati en route to the Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary. Whatever you choose to get there, visit this fantastic wildlife sanctuary!
There is a beautiful rest house at Pablakhali Wildlife Sanctuary, but prior permission is required from Divisional Forest Officer, Chittagong Hill Tract (North).
There are no such good eating facilities in the area. But there are some roadside cafes (tea stalls). It is recommended that a traveller carry food with them.